Using the Geo-Inquiry Process to Explore and Understand Black Mesa State Park

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Description: For this lesson students will look at how COVID-19 has affected Black Mesa State Park. They will then learn how to use the National Geographic Geo-Inquiry process to explore the issues related to Black Mesa through a geographic lens. The students will then develop their own Geo-Inquiry questions so they can research how COVID-19 has affected this state park. After they have gathered this information they will then go to Black Mesa State Park and meet with the Park Manager so students may ask the questions that they have formulated and for the Park Manager to show the students the physical effects that COVID-19 has had on Black Mesa State Park due to the influx of visitors. Upon completion of the in-class and field research components, students will present their findings to classmates and/or publicize their results to be accessed by stakeholders.

Grade level(s): Middle School
Standards: OAS, GFL
Produced By: Naomi Mayer